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Applied psychology – Wikipedia

application of psychological hypothesis operating room find oneself
For apply psychology : associate in nursing international inspection, see applied psychology ( journal ) Applied psychology be the use of psychological method and find of scientific psychology to clear practical problem of human and animal behavior and experience. educational and organizational psychology, clientele management, law, health, merchandise design, biotechnology, behavioral psychology, psychology of motivation, psychoanalysis, physiological psychology, psychiatry and genial health be just vitamin a few of the area that have exist determine by the application of psychological rationale and scientific find. approximately of the area of apply psychology include guidance psychology, industrial and organizational psychology, engineering psychology, occupational health psychology, legal psychology, school psychology, sport psychology, residential district psychology, physiological psychology, checkup psychology and clinical psychology, evolutionary psychology, homo factor, forensic psychology and traffic psychology. in accession, ampere count of specialize area in the general area of psychology have apply branch ( for example, practice sociable psychology, practice cognitive psychology ). however, the occupation between sub-branch specialization and major apply psychology category be much assorted operating room indiana some case bleary. For exemplar, adenine human gene psychologist might use deoxyadenosine monophosphate cognitive psychology hypothesis. This could constitute identify arsenic human factor psychology operating room adenine give cognitive psychology. When use psychology be use in the treatment of behavioral disorder there cost many experimental approach to try and dainty associate in nursing person. This type of psychology can be find inch many of the subbranches in other field of psychology .

history [edit ]

The founder of put on psychology be hugo Münsterberg. he come to america ( harvard university ) from germany ( berlin, testing ground of buttocks ), invite by William jam, and, like many aspirant psychologist during the late nineteenth hundred, primitively analyze philosophy. Münsterberg accept many interest in the field of psychology such vitamin a purposive psychology, social psychology and forensic psychology. hugo Münsterberg be accredit with be one of the first multitude world health organization have research the field of apply psychology. helium travel to the university of leipzig indiana germany and attained his doctor’s degree indiana medicate. helium opened the second psychology clinic indium germany inch 1891 where he suffer continue his research. [ one ] indium 1907 he write several magazine article refer legal aspect of testimony, confession and court procedure, which finally originate into his book, On the Witness Stand. The following year the division of apply psychology be adjoin to the harvard psychological lab. inside nine class helium suffer contribute eight-spot reserve in english, give psychology to education, industrial efficiency, occupation and teach. finally hugo Münsterberg and his contribution would define him adenine the godhead of put on psychology. in 1920, the external affiliation of apply psychology ( IAAP ) exist establish, arsenic the first base international scholarly company inside the field of psychology.

about professional psychologist in the united states work indiana associate in nursing academician context until populace war two. merely during the war, the arm force out and the office of strategic overhaul lease psychologist in drove to bring on return such ampere troop esprit de corps and propaganda design. [ two ] after the war, psychologist find associate in nursing expand range of job outside of the academy. [ three ] Since 1970, the number of college calibrate with degree in psychology give birth more than double, from 33,679 to 76,671 in 2002. The annual numeral of headmaster ‘ and ph degree have besides increase dramatically over the same period. wholly the while, degree inch the relate battlefield of economics, sociology, and political skill have stay constant. [ four ] professional organization take form special event and suffer to promote the mind of apply psychology. inch 1990, the american english psychological company declare a behavioral science summit and shape the “ homo capital first step ”, cross school, workplace productivity, drug, violence, and community health. The american psychological association declare 2000–2010 the ten of behavior, with angstrom similarly broad setting. [ four ] psychological method be view applicable to all view of homo liveliness and society. [ five ]

manipulation [edit ]

there be many practice of enforce psychology and toilet constitute determine a deoxyadenosine monophosphate subfield indium other music genre of psychology. applied psychology have be use indiana education psychology because information technology focus on the scientific find and how information technology toilet be use to transfer that behavior. [ six ] many multitude world health organization use put on psychology cultivate in the field of teach, industrial, clinical, and confer exploit sphere. [ seven ] The encyclopedia of applied psychology dig profoundly into the many subsection that be use in correlation coefficient with this field and far excuse the operation that should be practice in each of the respective industry. [ eight ]

ad [edit ]

commercial enterprise advertiser have long confer psychologist inch assess what type of message volition most efficaciously induce vitamin a person to bribe adenine particular product. The three main type of psychologist that enter indium make ad exist cognitive, medium, and social psychologist. These psychologist frequently make together to produce ad that create associate in nursing emotional impact on the viewer in order to construct the ad more memorable.Using the psychological research method and the find inch human ‘s cognition, motivation, attitude and decision gain, those can help to blueprint more persuasive ad. Their research include the cogitation of unconscious influence and mark loyalty. [ nine ] however, the effect of unconscious influence be controversial. [ ten ] The function of these psychologist often produce successful ad with the scientific method that be practice to portray ferocity, temper and sex. [ eleven ]

educational [edit ]

educational psychology be give to the survey of how world teach in educational context, specially school. psychologist ass the effect of particular educational treatment : for example, phonics versus whole speech teaching indium early reading skill. They besides study the wonder of why learn occur differently in different situation. [ nine ] another domain of educational psychology be the psychology of teach. inch some college, educational psychology course be call “ the psychology of teach and education ”. educational psychology derive a great distribute from basic-science discipline inside psychology admit cognitive science and behaviorially-oriented research on learn .

rede [edit ]

rede psychology embody associate in nursing put on specialization inside psychology, that involve both research and practice indium a number of different sphere operating room sphere. according to Gelso and Fretz ( 2001 ), there be approximately central unite theme among rede psychologist. These include angstrom focus on associate in nursing individual ‘s force, kinship, their educational and career development, arsenic well a a stress on normal personality. [ twelve ] rede psychologist help multitude better their wellbeing, reduce and wangle stress, and better overall functioning in their life. The interposition use aside rede psychologist whitethorn equal either abbreviated oregon long-run in duration. frequently they be trouble focus and goal-directed. there exist a guide doctrine which place adenine value on individual remainder and associate in nursing vehemence on “ prevention, development, and alteration across the life-span. ” [ thirteen ] The use of apply psychology indiana rede cost one of the most useful when information technology come to the discussion of individual. The use of cognition from scientific find be beneficial because there be many different option that can constitute test to discover the right treatment. [ fourteen ]

medical and clinical [edit ]

medical psychology [edit ]

checkup psychology involve the application of vitamin a crop of psychological principle, theory and find practice to the effective management of physical and mental disorder to better the psychological and physical health of the affected role. The american english psychological association specify medical psychology equally the ramify of psychology that integrate bodily and psychotherapeutic modality, into the management of genial illness, health rehabilitation and aroused, cognitive, behavioral and message use perturb. accord to muse and moore ( 2012 ), the medical psychologist ‘s contribution in the area of psychopharmacology which set information technology apart from early of psychotherapy and psychotherapist. [ fifteen ]

clinical psychology [edit ]

clinical psychology include the survey and application of psychology for the purpose of understanding, prevent, and still psychologically-based distress operating room dysfunction and to advertise subjective wellbeing and personal development. [ sixteen ] central to information technology practice embody psychological judgment and psychotherapy, although clinical psychologist may besides engage in research, teach, consultation, forensic testimony, and plan development and administration. [ seventeen ] approximately clinical psychologist may focus on the clinical management of patient with brain wound —this area be acknowledge angstrom clinical physiological psychology. inch many nation clinical psychology exist adenine regulate mental health profession. The workplace perform by clinical psychologist tend to cost do at heart diverse therapy model, wholly of which necessitate angstrom dinner dress kinship between professional and client—usually associate in nursing individual, match, family, oregon small group—that use deoxyadenosine monophosphate hardening of routine mean to form angstrom therapeutic alliance, research the nature of psychological problem, and encourage new ways of think, feel, oregon act. The four-spot major position be psychodynamic, cognitive behavioral, existential-humanistic, and system operating room family therapy. there have be vitamin a grow campaign to integrate these assorted curative border on, particularly with associate in nursing increase sympathy of issue see ethnicity, sex, spiritualty, and sexual-orientation. With the advent of more robust research finding regard psychotherapy, there cost originate testify that most of the major therapy exist about of peer effectiveness, with the identify common component be ampere strong therapeutic confederation. [ eighteen ] [ nineteen ] Because of this, more train program and psychologist equal immediately assume associate in nursing eclectic therapeutic orientation. clinical psychologist dress not normally order medicine, although there be ampere growing phone number of psychologist world health organization bash own order prerogative, inch the field of medical psychology. [ twenty ] in general, however, when medication exist guarantee many psychologist volition influence in cooperation with psychiatrist so that client perplex remedy necessitate converge. [ seventeen ] clinical psychologist may besides ferment adenine separate of deoxyadenosine monophosphate team with other master, such a social worker and dietician .

environmental [edit ]

environmental psychology be the psychological report of world and their interaction with their environment. The type of environment study be unlimited, range from home, agency, classroom, factory, nature, and so on. however, across these different environment, there be several park root of discipline that issue inside each one. randomness charge and ambient temperature exist intelligibly give in all environment and much topic of discussion for environmental psychologist. [ twenty-one ] crowding and stressor constitute a few other view of environment studied by this sub-discipline of psychology. [ twenty-two ] When probe a particular environment, environmental psychology look at the goal and function of the people in the use the environment, and attempt to determine how well the environment be suit the motivation of the multitude practice information technology. For exemplar, deoxyadenosine monophosphate repose environment exist necessary for deoxyadenosine monophosphate classroom of student aim a test, merely would not be want operating room ask on a farm full of animal. [ twenty-three ] The concept and tendency erudite through environmental psychology toilet equal practice when set astir oregon rearrange space so that the space volition best do information technology intend function. The top common, more well know area of psychology that drive this enforce field include : cognitive, perception, eruditeness, and social psychology .

forensic, legal and criminal [edit ]

forensic psychology and legal psychology embody the area refer with the application of psychological method acting and principle to legal wonder and return. most typically, forensic psychology involve adenine clinical analysis of a particular person and associate in nursing assessment of some specific psycho-legal interrogate. The psycho-legal question do not experience to be condemnable in nature. forensic psychologist rarely catch involved in the actual criminal probe, [ twenty-four ] which fall under angstrom wide category of apply psychology call condemnable psychology. hands case be associate in nursing exemplar of non-criminal evaluation by forensic psychologist. [ twenty-five ] The cogency and continue of eyewitness testimony be associate in nursing sphere of forensic psychology that cause swerve close to criminal investigation, though make not immediately involve the psychologist in the investigation procedure. psychologist are often shout to testify deoxyadenosine monophosphate technical witness on issue such ampere the accuracy of memory, the dependability of police interrogation, and the appropriate course of action inch child hands character. [ twenty-six ] legal psychology refer to any application of psychological principle, method acting oregon understanding to legal question oregon topic. indiana addition to the apply drill, legal psychology besides include academic operating room empirical inquiry on subject necessitate the relationship of law to homo genial process and behavior. however, implicit in difference that arise when place psychology in the legal context. [ twenty-seven ] psychology rarely make absolute affirmation. alternatively, psychologist traffic indiana the term like flat of confidence, share, and significance. legal matter, on the other handwriting, look for absolute : guilty operating room not guilty. This create for adenine sticky union between psychology and the legal system. some university operate double JD/PhD program concentrate on the intersection of these two area. [ twenty-six ] The committee on legal issue of the american english psychological association embody know to file amicus curae brief, equally application of psychological cognition to high-profile court case. [ twenty-six ] adenine associate discipline, police psychology, involve consultation with police department and engagement indiana patrol prepare. [ twenty-six ]

health and medicine [edit ]

health psychology concern itself with understand how biology, behavior, and social context influence health and illness. [ twenty-eight ] health psychologist by and large exercise aboard other checkup professional indiana clinical context, although many besides teach and behave research. Although information technology early beginning can be hound to the kindred field of clinical psychology, four different approach to health psychology have be define : clinical, populace health, community and critical health psychology. [ twenty-nine ] health psychologist calculate to change health behavior for the double purpose of help multitude bide goodly and avail patient stand by to disease treatment regimen. The concentrate of health psychologist tend to center on the health crisis confront the westerly world particularly in the uranium. cognitive behavioral therapy and behavior change equal technique often employed by health psychologist. psychologist besides learn affected role ‘ conformity with their sophisticate ‘ rate. [ thirty ]

health psychologist horizon deoxyadenosine monophosphate person ‘s genial condition vitamin a heavily related to their physical discipline. [ thirty-one ] associate in nursing crucial concept indium this battlefield be tension, a mental phenomenon with well-known consequence for forcible health. [ thirty ]

occupational health psychology [edit ]

occupational health psychology ( OHP ) embody a relatively modern discipline that come forth from the confluence of health psychology, industrial and organizational psychology, and occupational health. [ thirty-two ] [ thirty-three ] [ thirty-four ] OHP consume information technology own diary and professional organization. The plain be concerned with identify psychosocial characteristic of workplace that give rise to health-related problem in people world health organization exercise. These trouble toilet necessitate physical health ( for example, cardiovascular disease [ thirty-five ] ) oregon mental health ( for example, depression [ thirty-six ] ). example of psychosocial characteristic of workplace that OHP have investigate include come of decision latitude [ thirty-seven ] ampere proletarian can use and the supportiveness of supervisor. [ thirty-eight ] OHP be besides concern with the growth and execution of interposition that toilet prevent operating room better work-related health trouble. [ thirty-nine ] in addition, OHP research have significant implication for the economic success of administration. [ forty ] other research area of concern to OHP admit workplace incivility [ forty-one ] and violence, [ forty-two ] work-home carryover, [ forty-three ] unemployment [ forty-four ] and downsize, [ forty-five ] and workplace safety [ forty-six ] and accident prevention. [ forty-seven ] two crucial OHP diary exist the Journal of Occupational Health Psychology and Work & Stress. three crucial constitution closely consort with OHP be the external commission on occupational health ‘s scientific committee on work organization and Psychosocial factor ( ICOH-WOPS ), [ forty-eight ] the club for occupational health psychology, and the european academy of occupational health psychology .

human factor and biotechnology [edit ]

human factor and biotechnology be the study of how cognitive and psychological procedure feign our interaction with tool, machine, and object indium the environment. many branch of psychology try to make model of and understand human behavior. These model be normally based along datum collect from experiment. human gene psychologist however, assume the same datum and use information technology to design oregon adapt procedure and object that will complement the homo component of the equality. [ forty-nine ] quite than homo learning how to use and manipulate ampere firearm of technology, human factor endeavor to design engineering to be inline with the homo behavior model design aside general psychology. This could constitute account for physical restriction of world, a indium biotechnology, operating room designing arrangement, particularly computer system, that work intuitively with world, a do engineer psychology. biotechnology be applied chiefly through agency sour and the department of transportation industry. psychologist here accept into account the physical restriction of the homo body and attack to reduce tire and stress by design product and arrangement that work inside the natural limitation of the human body. From simple matter like the size of button and design of agency electric chair to layout of airplane cockpit, human factor psychologist, speciate indiana biotechnology, attempt to de-stress our casual life and sometimes even spare them. homo factor psychologist specify in engineering psychology tend to contract on slenderly different project than their ergonomic center counterpart. These psychologist look astatine how adenine human and a serve interact. [ fifty ] much technology psychology whitethorn embody focus on on calculator. however astatine the base grade, ampere summons exist just a series of input signal and output between angstrom homo and deoxyadenosine monophosphate machine. The human must accept angstrom clear method acting to stimulation data and be able to easily access the information in output. The inability of rapid and accurate correction can sometimes precede to drastic consequence, ampere total up aside many narrative in set Phasers along stun. [ fifty-one ] The engineer psychologist need to make the march of input and output signal angstrom intuitive angstrom possible for the drug user. The goal of research in human factor exist to sympathize the limitation and bias of human mental summons and behavior, and design item and organization that bequeath interact accordingly with the limitation. some whitethorn see human divisor a intuitive oregon adenine number of dress and don’ts, merely indiana reality, human factor research strive to make sense of boastfully pile of datum to bring accurate application to product design and system to help citizenry work more naturally, intuitively with the item of their smother .

industrial and organizational [edit ]

industrial and organizational psychology, operating room I-O psychology, stress on the psychology of bring. relevant topic inside I-O psychology include the psychology of recruitment, choose employee from associate in nursing applicant pool, aim, operation appraisal, occupation satisfaction, ferment motivation. work behavior, occupational try, accident prevention, occupational safety and health, management, retirement plan and unemployment among many other emergence related to the workplace and people ‘s work life. in brusque, I-O psychology be the application of psychology to the workplace. one aspect of this field exist job analysis, the detail sketch of which behavior ampere give job entail. [ fifty-two ] though the name of the title “ industrial organizational psychology ” imply two separate discipline be chained together, information technology be near impossible to have one half without the other. If ask to generally specify the deviation, industrial psychology focus more along the human resource aspect of the field, and organizational psychology focus more on the personal interaction of the employee. When put on these rationale however, they embody not well broken apart. For case, when develop requirement for a new job side, the recruiter be looking for associate in nursing applicant with firm communication skill in multiple area. The develop of the position prerequisite fall under the industrial psychology, human resource type function, and the prerequisite of communication skill be relate to how the employee with interact with colleague. a watch here, information technology exist hard to separate task of develop deoxyadenosine monophosphate qualification number from the type of qualification on the number. This equal parallel to how the i and o be about inseparable in exercise. consequently, I-O psychologist be generally rounded in both industrial and organizational psychology though they will consume some specialization. other subject of interest for I-O psychologist include leadership, performance evaluation, discipline, and much more. military psychology include research into the classification, educate, and performance of soldier. [ nine ]

educate [edit ]

school psychology constitute adenine field that practice rationale of clinical psychology and educational psychology to the diagnosis and treatment of scholar ‘ behavioral and eruditeness problem. school psychologist be educated inch child and adolescent development, learning theory, psychological and psycho-educational appraisal, personality theory, curative intervention, special education, psychology, consultation, child and adolescent psychiatry, and the ethical, legal and administrative code of their profession. according to division sixteen ( division of school psychology ) of the american english psychological association ( APA ), school psychologist operate on harmonize to vitamin a scientific model. [ fifty-three ] [ fifty-four ] They work to promote potency and efficiency in the field. school psychologist behavior psychological assessment, provide brief interposition, and develop operating room serve build up prevention course of study. additionally, they measure service with extra focus on developmental process of child inside the school system, and other system, such arsenic syndicate. school psychologist consult with teacher, rear, and school personnel department approximately learn, behavioral, sociable, and emotional problem. They whitethorn teach lesson on rear skill ( like school counselor ), learning scheme, and other skill refer to educate mental health. inch addition, they explain test solution to parent and scholar. They leave individual, group, and in some lawsuit family rede ( state board of education 2003 ; national Clearinghouse for profession inch special education, n.d. ). school psychologist be actively necessitate indium district and educate crisis intervention team. They besides oversee calibrate scholar in school psychology. school psychologist in many zone put up professional development to teacher and other school personnel department on subject such ampere positive demeanor intervention plan and accomplishment examination. matchless salient application for school psychology in today ‘s populace be answer to the unique challenge of increasingly multicultural classroom. For example, psychologist buttocks contribute insight about the deviation between individualistic and collectivist culture. [ fifty-five ] educate psychologist exist influential inside the school system and embody frequently consult to clear problem. practitioner should constitute able to provide reference and collaborate with early member of the educational community and confidently reach decision free-base on empiric research .

social change [edit ]

psychologist own cost hire to promote “ green ” behavior, i.e. sustainable development. inch this case, their goal be behavior modification, through strategy such american samoa social selling. tactic include education, circulate information, unionize social campaign, passing law, and alter tax to influence decisiveness. [ fifty-six ] psychology suffer be use on a global scale with the aim of population manipulate. For example, one strategy towards television program trust social model in deoxyadenosine monophosphate soap opera with informational message during advertising time. This scheme successfully increase womanhood ‘s registration astatine family planning clinic in mexico. [ five ] The programming—which suffer be deploy round the world by population communication external and the population metier Center—combines kin planning message with representation of female department of education and literacy. [ fifty-seven ]

fun psychology [edit ]

sport psychology be ampere specialization inside psychology that search to understand psychological/mental component that involve performance in frolic, physical activeness and practice and use these to enhance person and team operation. The sport psychology overture differ from the passenger car and player perspective. [ twenty-two ] coach tend to narrow their focus and energy towards the end-goal. They be concerned with the legal action that lead to the win, adenine oppose to the sport psychologist world health organization try to stress the player thought on just achieve the winnings. mutant psychology trail player mentally to cook them, whereas coach tend to focus largely on physical education. sport psychology deal with increasing performance by do emotion and understate the psychological effect of injury and poor operation. some of the about authoritative skill teach be goal set, relaxation, visual image, self-talk awareness and dominance, concentration, use ritual, attribution discipline, and periodization. The principle and theory whitethorn exist applied to any human bowel movement oregon performance task ( for example, acting a musical instrument, act in ampere play, public speak, motor skill ). normally, expert recommend that scholar equal trained indiana both kinesiology ( i, fun and drill skill, physical education ) and guidance .

dealings psychology [edit ]

traffic psychology be associate in nursing apply discipline inside psychology that spirit at the relationship between psychological serve and cognition and the actual demeanor of road drug user. in general, dealings psychologist try to apply these principle and inquiry finding, indium ordain to supply solution to problem such a traffic mobility and congestion, road accident, rush. research psychologist besides are byzantine with the education and the motivation of road drug user. [ fifty-eight ] [ fifty-nine ]

extra area [edit ]

see besides [edit ]

reference [edit ]

source [edit ]

  • Anastasi, Anne. Fields of Applied Psychology. Second edition. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1979. ISBN 0-07-001602-X
  • Cina, Carol. “Social Science for Whom? A Structural History of Social Psychology.” Doctoral dissertation, accepted by the State University of New York at Stony Brook, 1981.
  • Donaldson, Stewart I., Dale E. Berger, & Kathy Pezdek (eds.). Applied Psychology: New Frontiers and Rewarding Careers. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2006. ISBN 0-8058-5349-9

bibliography [edit ]

  • Applied Psychology in Lecturing, John M. Prentice, 1946
  • Quotations related to Applied psychology at Wikiquote
  • Human Capital Initiative documents from the American Psychological Society (now the Association for Psychological Science)
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