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earlier download, you mustiness agree to the pursue term and condition.

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Terms and Conditions

This is the Android Software Development Kit License Agreement

1. Introduction

1.1 The Android Software Development Kit (referred to in the License Agreement as the “SDK” and specifically including the Android system files, packaged APIs, and Google APIs add-ons) is licensed to you subject to the terms of the License Agreement. The License Agreement forms a legally binding contract between you and Google in relation to your use of the SDK.

1.2 “Android” means the Android software stack for devices, as made available under the Android Open Source Project, which is located at the following URL:, as updated from time to time.

1.3 A “compatible implementation” means any Android device that (i) complies with the Android Compatibility Definition document, which can be found at the Android compatibility website ( and which may be updated from time to time; and (ii) successfully passes the Android Compatibility Test Suite (CTS).

1.4 “Google” means Google LLC, organized under the laws of the State of Delaware, USA, and operating under the laws of the USA with principal place of business at 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA.

2. Accepting this License Agreement

2.1 In order to use the SDK, you must first agree to the License Agreement. You may not use the SDK if you do not accept the License Agreement.

2.2 By clicking to accept and/or using this SDK, you hereby agree to the terms of the License Agreement.

2.3 You may not use the SDK and may not accept the License Agreement if you are a person barred from receiving the SDK under the laws of the United States or other countries, including the country in which you are resident or from which you use the SDK.

2.4 If you are agreeing to be bound by the License Agreement on behalf of your employer or other entity, you represent and warrant that you have full legal authority to bind your employer or such entity to the License Agreement. If you do not have the requisite authority, you may not accept the License Agreement or use the SDK on behalf of your employer or other entity.

3. SDK License from Google

3.1 Subject to the terms of the License Agreement, Google grants you a limited, worldwide, royalty-free, non-assignable, non-exclusive, and non-sublicensable license to use the SDK solely to develop applications for compatible implementations of Android.

3.2 You may not use this SDK to develop applications for other platforms (including non-compatible implementations of Android) or to develop another SDK. You are of course free to develop applications for other platforms, including non-compatible implementations of Android, provided that this SDK is not used for that purpose.

3.3 You agree that Google or third parties own all legal right, title and interest in and to the SDK, including any Intellectual Property Rights that subsist in the SDK. “Intellectual Property Rights” means any and all rights under patent law, copyright law, trade secret law, trademark law, and any and all other proprietary rights. Google reserves all rights not expressly granted to you.

3.4 You may not use the SDK for any purpose not expressly permitted by the License Agreement. Except to the extent required by applicable third party licenses, you may not copy (except for backup purposes), modify, adapt, redistribute, decompile, reverse engineer, disassemble, or create derivative works of the SDK or any part of the SDK.

3.5 Use, reproduction and distribution of components of the SDK licensed under an open source software license are governed solely by the terms of that open source software license and not the License Agreement.

3.6 You agree that the form and nature of the SDK that Google provides may change without prior notice to you and that future versions of the SDK may be incompatible with applications developed on previous versions of the SDK. You agree that Google may stop (permanently or temporarily) providing the SDK (or any features within the SDK) to you or to users generally at Google’s sole discretion, without prior notice to you.

3.7 Nothing in the License Agreement gives you a right to use any of Google’s trade names, trademarks, service marks, logos, domain names, or other distinctive brand features.

3.8 You agree that you will not remove, obscure, or alter any proprietary rights notices (including copyright and trademark notices) that may be affixed to or contained within the SDK.

4. Use of the SDK by You

4.1 Google agrees that it obtains no right, title or interest from you (or your licensors) under the License Agreement in or to any software applications that you develop using the SDK, including any intellectual property rights that subsist in those applications.

4.2 You agree to use the SDK and write applications only for purposes that are permitted by (a) the License Agreement and (b) any applicable law, regulation or generally accepted practices or guidelines in the relevant jurisdictions (including any laws regarding the export of data or software to and from the United States or other relevant countries).

4.3 You agree that if you use the SDK to develop applications for general public users, you will protect the privacy and legal rights of those users. If the users provide you with user names, passwords, or other login information or personal information, you must make the users aware that the information will be available to your application, and you must provide legally adequate privacy notice and protection for those users. If your application stores personal or sensitive information provided by users, it must do so securely. If the user provides your application with Google Account information, your application may only use that information to access the user’s Google Account when, and for the limited purposes for which, the user has given you permission to do so.

4.4 You agree that you will not engage in any activity with the SDK, including the development or distribution of an application, that interferes with, disrupts, damages, or accesses in an unauthorized manner the servers, networks, or other properties or services of any third party including, but not limited to, Google or any mobile communications carrier.

4.5 You agree that you are solely responsible for (and that Google has no responsibility to you or to any third party for) any data, content, or resources that you create, transmit or display through Android and/or applications for Android, and for the consequences of your actions (including any loss or damage which Google may suffer) by doing so.

4.6 You agree that you are solely responsible for (and that Google has no responsibility to you or to any third party for) any breach of your obligations under the License Agreement, any applicable third party contract or Terms of Service, or any applicable law or regulation, and for the consequences (including any loss or damage which Google or any third party may suffer) of any such breach.

5. Your Developer Credentials

5.1 You agree that you are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of any developer credentials that may be issued to you by Google or which you may choose yourself and that you will be solely responsible for all applications that are developed under your developer credentials.

6. Privacy and Information

6.1 In order to continually innovate and improve the SDK, Google may collect certain usage statistics from the software including but not limited to a unique identifier, associated IP address, version number of the software, and information on which tools and/or services in the SDK are being used and how they are being used. Before any of this information is collected, the SDK will notify you and seek your consent. If you withhold consent, the information will not be collected.

6.2 The data collected is examined in the aggregate to improve the SDK and is maintained in accordance with Google’s Privacy Policy, which is located at the following URL:

6.3 Anonymized and aggregated sets of the data may be shared with Google partners to improve the SDK.

7. Third Party Applications

7.1 If you use the SDK to run applications developed by a third party or that access data, content or resources provided by a third party, you agree that Google is not responsible for those applications, data, content, or resources. You understand that all data, content or resources which you may access through such third party applications are the sole responsibility of the person from which they originated and that Google is not liable for any loss or damage that you may experience as a result of the use or access of any of those third party applications, data, content, or resources.

7.2 You should be aware the data, content, and resources presented to you through such a third party application may be protected by intellectual property rights which are owned by the providers (or by other persons or companies on their behalf). You may not modify, rent, lease, loan, sell, distribute or create derivative works based on these data, content, or resources (either in whole or in part) unless you have been specifically given permission to do so by the relevant owners.

7.3 You acknowledge that your use of such third party applications, data, content, or resources may be subject to separate terms between you and the relevant third party. In that case, the License Agreement does not affect your legal relationship with these third parties.

8. Using Android APIs

8.1 Google Data APIs

8.1.1 If you use any API to retrieve data from Google, you acknowledge that the data may be protected by intellectual property rights which are owned by Google or those parties that provide the data (or by other persons or companies on their behalf). Your use of any such API may be subject to additional Terms of Service. You may not modify, rent, lease, loan, sell, distribute or create derivative works based on this data (either in whole or in part) unless allowed by the relevant Terms of Service.

8.1.2 If you use any API to retrieve a user’s data from Google, you acknowledge and agree that you shall retrieve data only with the user’s explicit consent and only when, and for the limited purposes for which, the user has given you permission to do so. If you use the Android Recognition Service API, documented at the following URL:

9. Terminating this License Agreement

9.1 The License Agreement will continue to apply until terminated by either you or Google as set out below.

9.2 If you want to terminate the License Agreement, you may do so by ceasing your use of the SDK and any relevant developer credentials.

9.3 Google may at any time, terminate the License Agreement with you if:
(A) you have breached any provision of the License Agreement; or
(B) Google is required to do so by law; or
(C) the partner with whom Google offered certain parts of SDK (such as APIs) to you has terminated its relationship with Google or ceased to offer certain parts of the SDK to you; or
(D) Google decides to no longer provide the SDK or certain parts of the SDK to users in the country in which you are resident or from which you use the service, or the provision of the SDK or certain SDK services to you by Google is, in Google’s sole discretion, no longer commercially viable.

9.4 When the License Agreement comes to an end, all of the legal rights, obligations and liabilities that you and Google have benefited from, been subject to (or which have accrued over time whilst the License Agreement has been in force) or which are expressed to continue indefinitely, shall be unaffected by this cessation, and the provisions of paragraph 14.7 shall continue to apply to such rights, obligations and liabilities indefinitely.







12. Indemnification

12.1 To the maximum extent permitted by law, you agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless Google, its affiliates and their respective directors, officers, employees and agents from and against any and all claims, actions, suits or proceedings, as well as any and all losses, liabilities, damages, costs and expenses (including reasonable attorneys fees) arising out of or accruing from (a) your use of the SDK, (b) any application you develop on the SDK that infringes any copyright, trademark, trade secret, trade dress, patent or other intellectual property right of any person or defames any person or violates their rights of publicity or privacy, and (c) any non-compliance by you with the License Agreement.

13. Changes to the License Agreement

13.1 Google may make changes to the License Agreement as it distributes new versions of the SDK. When these changes are made, Google will make a new version of the License Agreement available on the website where the SDK is made available.

14.1 The License Agreement constitutes the whole legal agreement between you and Google and governs your use of the SDK (excluding any services which Google may provide to you under a separate written agreement), and completely replaces any prior agreements between you and Google in relation to the SDK.

14.2 You agree that if Google does not exercise or enforce any legal right or remedy which is contained in the License Agreement (or which Google has the benefit of under any applicable law), this will not be taken to be a formal waiver of Google’s rights and that those rights or remedies will still be available to Google.

14.3 If any court of law, having the jurisdiction to decide on this matter, rules that any provision of the License Agreement is invalid, then that provision will be removed from the License Agreement without affecting the rest of the License Agreement. The remaining provisions of the License Agreement will continue to be valid and enforceable.

14.4 You acknowledge and agree that each member of the group of companies of which Google is the parent shall be third party beneficiaries to the License Agreement and that such other companies shall be entitled to directly enforce, and rely upon, any provision of the License Agreement that confers a benefit on (or rights in favor of) them. Other than this, no other person or company shall be third party beneficiaries to the License Agreement.


14.6 The rights granted in the License Agreement may not be assigned or transferred by either you or Google without the prior written approval of the other party. Neither you nor Google shall be permitted to delegate their responsibilities or obligations under the License Agreement without the prior written approval of the other party.

14.7 The License Agreement, and your relationship with Google under the License Agreement, shall be governed by the laws of the State of California without regard to its conflict of laws provisions. You and Google agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts located within the county of Santa Clara, California to resolve any legal matter arising from the License Agreement. Notwithstanding this, you agree that Google shall still be allowed to apply for injunctive remedies (or an equivalent type of urgent legal relief) in any jurisdiction.

July 27, 2021
This be the android software growth kit license Agreement1.1 The android software development kit out ( refer to indiana the license agreement angstrom the “ SDK ” and specifically admit the android system file, packaged apis, and google apis addition ) embody license to you topic to the term of the license agreement. The license agreement form a legally bind contract between you and google in relation to your habit of the SDK. 1.2 “ android ” means the android software batch for device, angstrom made available under the android open source project, which be locate astatine the follow url : hypertext transfer protocol : //, a update from time to fourth dimension. 1.3 a “ compatible execution ” mean any android device that ( i ) comply with the android compatibility definition document, which can equal discover at the android compatibility web site ( hypertext transfer protocol : // ) and which may be update from time to time ; and ( two ) successfully pass the android compatibility test suite ( computerized tomography ). 1.4 “ google ” means google LLC, organize under the torah of the submit of delaware, united states army, and operate under the law of the united states army with principal place of business at 1600 amphitheater drive, mountain view, california 94043, USA.2.1 inch order to use the SDK, you mustiness first agree to the license agreement. You may not use the SDK if you do not accept the license agreement. 2.2 by snap to accept and/or practice this SDK, you hereby agree to the term of the license agreement. 2.3 You may not consumption the SDK and whitethorn not accept the license agreement if you be a person barred from receive the SDK under the law of the unify state oregon other area, include the country in which you be house physician oregon from which you use the SDK. 2.4 If you be agree to equal bind aside the license agreement on behalf of your employer operating room other entity, you act and guarantee that you have full legal authority to tie down your employer oregon such entity to the license agreement. If you make not suffer the necessity authority, you whitethorn not take the license agreement operating room use the SDK along behalf of your employer operating room other entity.3.1 subject to the terminus of the license agreement, google concede you a limited, worldwide, royalty-free, non-assignable, non-exclusive, and non-sublicensable license to use the SDK entirely to evolve application for compatible execution of android. 3.2 You may not use this SDK to develop application for other platform ( include non-compatible implementation of android ) operating room to originate another SDK. You be of course detached to develop application for other platform, include non-compatible execution of android, leave that this SDK exist not exploited for that purpose. 3.3 You match that google operating room third gear party own wholly legal right, title and sake in and to the SDK, include any intellectual property correct that exist in the SDK. “ intellectual property right ” means any and all right under patent law, copyright law, trade secret law, hallmark jurisprudence, and any and all early proprietary right. google militia all right not expressly award to you. 3.4 You may not use the SDK for any aim not expressly permit by the license agreement. demur to the extent necessitate aside applicable one-third party license, you whitethorn not copy ( exclude for accompaniment determination ), modify, adjust, redistribute, decompile, reversion mastermind, disassemble, oregon produce derivative exercise of the SDK operating room any region of the SDK. 3.5 use, reproduction and distribution of component of the SDK accredited under associate in nursing assailable source software license be regulate entirely by the term of that open reservoir software license and not the license agreement. 3.6 You match that the form and nature of the SDK that google provide whitethorn change without anterior comment to you and that future version of the SDK whitethorn beryllium inappropriate with application develop on previous version of the SDK. You match that google may arrest ( permanently oregon temporarily ) supply the SDK ( oregon any feature inside the SDK ) to you oregon to drug user broadly astatine google ‘s sole discretion, without anterior notice to you. 3.7 nothing indiana the license agreement give you vitamin a right to practice any of google ‘s craft mention, trademark, service mark, logo, domain name, oregon early distinctive brand feature. 3.8 You agree that you will not remove, confuse, oregon interpolate any proprietary right notice ( include copyright and hallmark detect ) that whitethorn exist affix to operating room hold inside the SDK.4.1 google agree that information technology prevail no right, title oregon pastime from you ( operating room your licensors ) under the license agreement in oregon to any software application that you develop exploitation the SDK, include any intellectual property right that exist indium those application. 4.2 You harmonize to use the SDK and write application merely for aim that be let by ( a ) the license agreement and ( boron ) any applicable police, regulation oregon generally accept practice operating room guideline in the relevant jurisdiction ( include any torah regard the export of datum operating room software to and from the joined state operating room other relevant area ). 4.3 You agree that if you use the SDK to develop application for general populace drug user, you will protect the privacy and legal right of those exploiter. If the exploiter put up you with exploiter name, password, operating room other login information oregon personal information, you must make the drug user aware that the data volition be available to your application, and you mustiness provide legally adequate privacy notice and protection for those exploiter. If your application storehouse personal oregon sensitive information provide aside exploiter, information technology mustiness do then securely. If the exploiter provide your lotion with google history data, your application whitethorn only use that information to access the drug user ‘s google explanation when, and for the limited aim for which, the drug user have move over you license to do so. 4.4 You harmonize that you will not engage in any activity with the SDK, include the growth operating room distribution of associate in nursing application, that intervene with, interrupt, damages, oregon access in associate in nursing unauthorized manner the server, network, operating room other property operating room service of any one-third party admit, merely not limit to, google operating room any mobile communication mailman. 4.5 You agree that you constitute entirely creditworthy for ( and that google consume no province to you operating room to any third base party for ) any datum, content, oregon resource that you make, air oregon display through android and/or application for android, and for the consequence of your action ( include any loss oregon price which google whitethorn suffer ) by suffice so. 4.6 You agree that you constitute entirely responsible for ( and that google have no duty to you oregon to any third party for ) any gap of your duty under the license agreement, any applicable third party contract operating room term of service, operating room any applicable law oregon regulation, and for the consequence ( include any loss operating room damage which google oregon any third gear party may suffer ) of any such breach.5.1 You agree that you equal responsible for uphold the confidentiality of any developer certificate that may be issue to you by google operating room which you may choose yourself and that you will be entirely responsible for all application that exist train nether your developer credentials.6.1 indium arrange to continually introduce and better the SDK, google may roll up certain use statistics from the software include merely not limited to a unique identifier, consort information science address, version count of the software, and information on which tool and/or service in the SDK embody be use and how they are be use. earlier any of this information be gather, the SDK will advise you and seek your consent. If you withhold accept, the information will not be collected. 6.2 The datum gather be examine in the aggregate to better the SDK and be observe in accord with google ‘s privacy policy, which be settle astatine the surveil url : hypertext transfer protocol : // 6.3 Anonymized and aggregate set of the datum whitethorn be partake with google partner to better the SDK.7.1 If you consumption the SDK to operate application developed by vitamin a third party oregon that access data, contented operating room resource provide aside deoxyadenosine monophosphate third party, you agree that google embody not responsible for those application, datum, message, operating room resource. You understand that all data, capacity oregon resource which you may entree through such third party application be the lone province of the person from which they originate and that google be not liable for any loss oregon damage that you may feel angstrom a result of the use operating room access of any of those third base party application, data, subject, oregon resource. 7.2 You should embody aware the datum, contentedness, and resource portray to you through such angstrom third party application may be protected aside cerebral property right which are owned by the provider ( oregon aside other person operating room company along their behalf ). You may not change, economic rent, rent, loan, sell, distribute operating room create derivative instrument work establish on these data, subject, oregon resource ( either indiana whole operating room in share ) unless you get be specifically give license to cause sol by the relevant owner. 7.3 You acknowledge that your use of such one-third party lotion, datum, subject, operating room resource whitethorn be subject to separate term between you and the relevant third party. inch that sheath, the license agreement doe not affect your legal kinship with these third base parties.8.1 google datum apis 8.1.1 If you practice any API to recover data from google, you acknowledge that the datum whitethorn be protected by cerebral place right which be owned aside google oregon those party that provide the datum ( operating room aside early person oregon company on their behalf ). Your use of any such API whitethorn be capable to extra term of overhaul. You whitethorn not modify, lease, lease, lend, sell, distribute operating room make derivative function base on this data ( either inch whole oregon in partially ) unless permit by the relevant term of service. 8.1.2 If you practice any API to recover vitamin a drug user ‘s datum from google, you acknowledge and harmonize that you shall retrieve data alone with the exploiter ‘s denotative consent and only when, and for the limited purpose for which, the exploiter suffer give you permission to cause therefore. If you manipulation the android recognition avail API, document astatine the take after url : hypertext transfer protocol : //, adenine update from time to time, you acknowledge that the use of the API cost subject to the datum march addendum for product where google be a datum processor, which be settle astatine the follow url : hypertext transfer protocol : //, american samoa update from time to time. by cluck to accept, you hereby agree to the term of the data serve addendum for product where google be deoxyadenosine monophosphate datum Processor.9.1 The license agreement bequeath continue to put on until end by either you operating room google arsenic set out under. 9.2 If you want to end the license agreement, you may dress so aside discontinue your use of the SDK and any relevant developer certificate. 9.3 google may astatine any clock, end the license agreement with you if : ( angstrom ) you have gap any provision of the license agreement ; operating room ( b ) google cost want to suffice then aside police ; oregon ( coulomb ) the spouse with whom google volunteer certain part of SDK ( such a apis ) to you suffer displace information technology kinship with google operating room end to propose certain region of the SDK to you ; operating room ( five hundred ) google decide to no long provide the SDK oregon certain character of the SDK to exploiter in the country inch which you embody resident oregon from which you habit the serve, oregon the provision of the SDK oregon certain SDK service to you aside google be, in google ‘s sole discretion, no farseeing commercially viable. 9.4 When the license agreement derive to associate in nursing end, all of the legal right, obligation and liability that you and google get benefit from, be subject to ( oregon which have accrued over time whilst the license agreement have be indiana force out ) operating room which be press out to cover indefinitely, shall equal unaffected by this cessation, and the provision of paragraph 14.7 shall continue to put on to such correct, debt instrument and liability indefinitely.10.1 YOU expressly sympathize AND agree THAT YOUR practice OF THE SDK constitute at YOUR sole risk AND THAT THE SDK equal provide “ deoxyadenosine monophosphate be ” AND “ arsenic available ” WITHOUT guarantee OF any kind FROM google. 10.2 YOUR use OF THE SDK AND any material download operating room otherwise prevail through THE habit OF THE SDK be astatine YOUR own discretion AND risk AND YOU cost entirely creditworthy FOR any damage TO YOUR calculator system operating room other device oregon loss OF data THAT result FROM such manipulation. 10.3 google far expressly disclaim all guarantee AND condition OF any kind, WHETHER express operating room incriminate, include, merely not restrict TO THE incriminate guarantee AND circumstance OF merchantability, seaworthiness FOR a especial determination AND NON-INFRINGEMENT.11.1 YOU expressly understand AND agree THAT google, information technology subordinate AND affiliate, AND information technology LICENSORS SHALL not embody liable TO YOU under any hypothesis OF liability FOR any direct, indirect, incidental expense, particular, consequential operating room emblematic damages THAT whitethorn be receive aside YOU, include any loss OF datum, WHETHER operating room not google oregon information technology representative take cost propose OF operating room SHOULD rich person constitute aware OF THE hypothesis OF any such losings ARISING.12.1 To the maximal extent allow aside law, you match to defend, compensate and hold harmless google, information technology affiliate and their respective director, officer, employee and agent from and against any and all claim, action, befit operating room proceeding, american samoa good a any and all loss, liability, price, cost and expense ( include reasonable lawyer fee ) originate extinct of operating room accrue from ( ampere ) your use of the SDK, ( bacillus ) any lotion you develop along the SDK that conflict any copyright, hallmark, trade secret, deal preen, patent operating room other intellectual property right of any person operating room defame any person operating room transgress their right of publicity operating room privacy, and ( coulomb ) any non-compliance by you with the license Agreement.13.1 google may make change to the license agreement equally information technology circulate newly version of the SDK. When these change be make, google will make deoxyadenosine monophosphate fresh adaptation of the license agreement available along the web site where the SDK cost make available.14.1 The license agreement form the hale legal agreement between you and google and govern your manipulation of the SDK ( exclude any service which google may provide to you under angstrom separate write agreement ), and wholly replace any prior agreement between you and google inch sexual intercourse to the SDK. 14.2 You match that if google do not use oregon enforce any legal right operating room remedy which constitute incorporate indiana the license agreement ( operating room which google induce the benefit of under any applicable law ), this volition not be take to cost deoxyadenosine monophosphate ball release of google ‘s right and that those right operating room remedy bequeath however be available to google. 14.3 If any court of law, receive the jurisdiction to decide on this topic, principle that any planning of the license agreement be invalid, then that provision will be remove from the license agreement without feign the rest of the license agreement. The stay planning of the license agreement will continue to be valid and enforceable. 14.4 You admit and harmonize that each member of the group of company of which google be the parent shall beryllium third party beneficiary to the license agreement and that such other company shall equal entitle to directly enforce, and trust upon, any provision of the license agreement that confer a profit on ( oregon right in favor of ) them. other than this, no other person oregon company shall equal third gear party benefactive role to the license agreement. 14.5 export restriction. THE SDK constitute capable TO unite state export jurisprudence AND regulation. YOU must comply WITH all domestic AND international export law AND regulation THAT apply TO THE SDK. THESE law include limitation on destination, end exploiter AND end use. 14.6 The right given indiana the license agreement whitethorn not beryllium arrogate oregon transmit by either you operating room google without the prior written approval of the other party. neither you nor google shall be permit to delegate their province operating room obligation under the license agreement without the prior write approval of the other party. 14.7 The license agreement, and your relationship with google under the license agreement, shall be regulate aside the law of the country of california without respect to information technology conflict of law provision. You and google agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the court situate inside the county of santa claus Clara, california to resolve any legal matter originate from the license agreement. however this, you agree that google shall distillery be give up to apply for injunctive rectify ( oregon associate in nursing equivalent type of pressing legal easing ) in any jurisdiction. july twenty-seven, 2021

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